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s i x f o o t z e r o . c o m



Biographies can be so... boring? And really, who gives a hoot about who I am and what I've done in life. How do you relate an entire life on one page? It sounds like one of those assignments from hell that I was given in school so many years ago. However cyberspace demands content, even if my inner voice tells me that it's absurd to even try. So, here are the basic facts...


Born September 9th at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island


Primary and secondary schooling at Abraham Lincoln Elementary in Elizabeth, New Jersey; Greenwood Hills Elementary, Richardson North Junior High and J.J. Pearce High School in Richardson, Texas.


Post secondary schooling at Texas Tech University and Texas A&M University-Commerce.


Professional education at MCB Quantico's Computer Science School.


Military service at Eglin Air Force Base on the Florida Panhandle with the 20th Space Surveillance Squadron.


Currently, Vice President and Manager of Systems Administration in Recovery Systems (a fancy-pants way of saying that I still sling code) abusing electrons on my screen at Citigroup.


Married to Denise for over 26 years with one daughter, Bailey.


Loves long moonlit walks on the beach with my wife, candle-lit dinners and slow dancing, intimate conversation, beer wine and hockey.


Uh, I'm -- I'm not quite dead, sir...


A couple of years ago, I bumped into an old friend from high school while lurking around on the internet, and sent her a note to say hello. After those initial "catching up on life" notes, she remarked that she and some of her other friends had heard that I was dead. That whole string of emails reminded me of a scene from Monty Python's The Holy Grail. No, I'm still alive and kicking, and what an interesting journey through adulthood it's been.


The links on the right hand side of this page delve deeper into my interests and experiences. Enjoy!




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